Welcome to our website and thank you for visiting! We hope our website provides you with an insight into the life of Alvaston Junior Academy and that it offers you a glimpse of our strong ethos and vision for all our children. Alvaston Junior Academy is a successful, vibrant school and a great place to be! We have a highly motivated, resourceful and committed staff team who care about and nurture the needs of every child. We have high expectations for all of our children and offer support and challenge to enable them to be the very best that they can be. We are passionate about bringing the Harmony Trust motto ‘Believe Achieve Succeed’ to life and making it a reality for all of our pupils. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school, and we place parental involvement high in our school’s priorities.
Within our school site we are fortunate to have our own large playing field, large playground, trim trail, rock climbing area and quiet garden. We share the site with neighbouring Alvaston Infant School working closely together to ensure a carefully planned transition for children joining us in Key stage 2. We also have excellent links with several of the local secondary schools.
We actively welcome new families, parent helpers and all visitors to the school. We have lots of exciting plans for the year ahead and I will keep you up to date with events and news as they happen.
If you would like further information about our lovely school, please contact the school office on 01332 571321 or you can email info@alvaston.theharmonytrust.org. We are extremely proud of our school and would be delighted to welcome you as part of the AJA team.
Mrs Christine Bower
Overall Attendance
Weekly Target
Current Achievement