Harmony Trust Position Regarding Wider Opening of Academies

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you will be aware the Prime Minister has asked all schools to begin to consider how they can safely achieve wider opening of schools from 1.6.20, if at that time the government feel it is safe to do so. Currently all school leaders are working closely with the health and safety experts within the Trust to carefully consider the guidance we have been given by the Department of Education, to identify what steps we need to take to minimise the risk to pupils, parents and staff to achieve this. Please be assured your child’s safety and that of our staff is of paramount importance to us and we are working through a wide range of measures to reduce every risk.

Thank you to those parents who have already completed our questionnaire regarding your view on sending your child back to school when it opens more widely. If you have not already done so we would be grateful if you could complete this, as it is assisting with our planning. We will be writing to you again tomorrow with more information on the trust position and the plans from each academy.

Alvaston Junior Academy

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby DE24 0PU

Mrs Clair Goodwin: Office Manager

01332 571321


Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)
