Remote Learning

Resources and Learning Platforms 


Purple Mash

All children at Alvaston Juniors have access to Purple Mash.  Your child’s teacher will set daily '2do' tasks on here in line with the year group national curriculum objectives. 

The link to purple mash can be found here:

Class teachers also share links to teaching videos and other video content via the 'Class Blog'.



Microsoft Teams      

Links to the daily registration are shared on the blog as well as daily links to the 'live' storytelling session via Microsoft Teams. School assemblies are shared via Microsoft Teams, along with meetings with our Pupil Leadership groups such as the School Council, Well Being Ambassadors, Digital Leaders and ClassAmbassadors. Remote Learning lead teachers are holding 'bespoke' intervention/post teach sessions to consolidate learning and misconceptions via Microsoft teams. Children are sent individual teams link invites to attend these sessions.       


Class Dojo


Class Dojo is another of our school platforms that we use to enhance our Remote Learning offer. Class teachers upload additional teaching content, links to videos such as the Joe Wicks PE sessions and we also use this as our main tool for communicating with parents. Teachers message parents via Class Dojo to celebrate pupil acheivement, give positive praise and offer kind words of support to parents. The platform is also used to showcase school events, diary dates and to keep parents well informed of school news and updates.                                 


Times Table Rockstars 

All pupils have log ons for TT Rockstars and regularly challenge themselves to upgrade their rock star status. Teachers challenge pupils to improve thier scores and celebrate improvements with the class. Each classroom displays the progress children make and the children enjoy the annual ' RockStar' Day.      

Log on here to start the journey to rock star status:

Spelling Shed

We have subscribed to full access to spelling shed to support pupil in school and during Remote Learning periods. Each pupil has a log on to access their class spelling list to practice spellings set by the class teacher. The Spelling Shed resource provides games and activities to support children with learning spelling strategies in a fun and engaging way.

Follow the link to access your child's spelling list:



Accelerated Reader

All children have access to Accelerated Reader. Each child has an individual login and the children can access a huge range of online books. The children enjoy reading the text at home and then quiz after cpmpletion to check for understanding and comprehension skills. Follow the link here to log in:

Image result for accelerated reader logo


MyON give pupils access to a personalized digital library at every student's fingertips. Renaissance myON® Reader is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books.Follow the link below to access your child's digital library. Teachers will have selected books linked to Topics matched to the teaching curriculum as well as books matched to pupil interest.

Useful websites to supplement the remote learning offer:     To access hundreds of free ebooks   Free reading and writing activities from your favourite children’s authors from the National Literacy Trust  The Book Trust   Pearson   Oxford Owl also offer a range of resources and an 'Expert Help' area.


At Alvaston Juniors, we subscribe to 'First News'; the children's newspaper with child friendly stories and activites linked to current affairs. 

Click the link at the top of the page for the digital version.




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Alvaston Junior Academy

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby DE24 0PU

Mrs Clair Goodwin: Office Manager

01332 571321

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)