School Uniform

General Uniform

Children should wear the academy uniform. The Harmony Trust is committed to supporting the provision of affordable school uniform for all children across our academies.

Our uniform consists of a royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan with embroidered logo, white shirt/blouse [polo shirt accepted], grey skirt/trousers/shorts, blue checked dress (Summer Term onwards), white/grey /black socks or tights, sensible footwear preferably black, grey or dark blue, Inc. trainers.

  • If children wear headscarves for religious reasons these must be without a pattern, dark blue, black or white.
  • Unless connected to a special fundraising event organised in school such as Red Nose Day, pupils should not have brightly coloured dyed hair or extreme patterns in hair.
  • No jewellery other than stud earrings and watches can be worn.
  • If a parent wishes their child to wear a religious artefact the Principal needs to be informed in writing.

Uniform for Sports Lessons

  • Uniform for indoor P.E. is t-shirt, shorts and plimsolls
  • For outdoor P.E. girls can wear leggings and tracksuit bottoms can be worn outside by boys, a long sleeve top can also be worn.
  • If consent has been given to wear a religious artefact in school these need to be removed or made safe for P.E. e.g. Sikh bangles must be covered for the lesson with a sweat band.
  • Earrings must be removed for P.E.  The child must take out their own earrings for P.E. but if this is not possible, then they must not be worn to school on the day of P.E.
  • The school cannot be held responsible for any lost/damaged jewellery

School Uniform can also be purchased online from Andrew Hyde Schoolwear: or from a retailer of your own choice which provides the same required practicality and smartness.

We are in the process of introducing a weekly 'Nearly New' rail for parents to access pre loved uniform. An honesty box will be in place in the school reception for voluntary contributions. 

Alvaston Junior Academy

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby DE24 0PU

Mrs Clair Goodwin: Office Manager

01332 571321

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)