Partners & Stakeholders - Proposal to change the type of SEND provision within the SEND unit at Alvaston Junior Academy
14th March 2025
Dear Partners and Stakeholders,
CONSULTATION DOCUMENT – Please read carefully 
Proposal to change the type of SEND provision within the SEND Unit located at Alvaston Junior Academy, Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PU
Alvaston Junior Academy is proposing to make an application to the Department for Education (DfE) under the ‘Significant Change Process’ to change the type of provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in the existing SEN Unit.
As part of the consultation process and in line with DfE guidance, we are writing to parents and the local community to seek feedback regarding the proposed changes. The consultation process will end at 5pm on Friday 4th April. The Harmony Trust will then consider comments received during the consultation period and include a summary of those responses in its submission.
What is being proposed?
Alvaston Junior Academy currently has a pupil admission number of 90 children per year group with 12 planned places for pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD). Under the proposals, the number of places available in the academy would remain unchanged.
However, the ‘type’ of provision is currently identified within our funding agreement as Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD). The proposal is to change the ‘type’ to Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). This is in response to the needs of our current pupils both within the academy and further local need identified by Derby City Council.
The benefit of this change is that we can further develop our provision to meet this specific type of need, enhancing our current Inclusion Hub. We also aim to creating further strong links between families, the community and services, resulting in better outcomes for the children.
The Local Authority fully supports Alvaston Junior Academy and is already commissioning places in the Inclusion Hub. This permanent change would mean that we can continue to meet the place demand from the local community alongside supporting our future pupils and their families to access specialised provision for pupils with SEMH in a mainstream school setting.
It is envisaged that this change would not result in a negative impact on the academy, the children, the environment or the local community. Local Authority population projection and analysis of provision requirements suggest that there would be no impact to other similar local providers and the placement of children would remain a parental preference.
What do I need to do?
If you have any questions or would like to comment on the proposal, then please the contact the Director of Education for the Harmony Trust Ltd using the following methods:
- In writing to Mrs J Hainsworth, Director of Education, The Harmony Trust Ltd, Alvaston Junior Academy, Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PU
- or by email to
Following the consultation period, the responses will be analysed carefully before any decisions are made by The Harmony Trust regarding the proposals.
Mrs J Hainsworth
Director of Education
The Harmony Trust