Age Related Book Recommendations
Please see the link above that will take you to a huge selection of recommended age appropriate books and links to amazon should you wish to make a purchase.
Accelerated Reader
All children have access to Accelerated Reader. Each child has an individual login and the children can access a huge range of online books. The children enjoy reading the text at home and then quiz after cpmpletion to check for understanding and comprehension skills. Follow the link here to log in:
MyON give pupils access to a personalized digital library at every student's fingertips. Renaissance myON® Reader is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books.Follow the link below to access your child's digital library. Teachers will have selected books linked to Topics matched to the teaching curriculum as well as books matched to pupil interest.
Useful websites to support reading at home: To access hundreds of free ebooks Free reading and writing activities from your favourite children’s authors from the National Literacy Trust The Book Trust Oxford Owl also offer a range of resources and an 'Expert Help' area.