Year 5

Our aim in Year 5 is to meet the needs of children in school and those accessing remote learning. We ensure differentiated tasks for reading, English, maths, arithmetic and a broad range of topics, as well as tapping into national events such as Comic Relief, Mental Health week, World Religion Day and Internet Safety Day.

Through bespoke challenges delivered on Purple Mash, children have the opportunity to read teacher input, watch videos and access three levels of differentiation. In addition to this, a teacher runs daily drop-in Teams meetings. One focuses on the English objectives with the other covering the maths to ensure children have access to vital interaction with a teacher.

A range of science, history, geography, PSHE, DT, ICT, PE and well-being tasks are set through Purple Mash, Dojo and a Home Learning paper pack allowing all children equal access to the same learning.

Reading continues to be a priority for children at Alvaston. As well as the Reading tasks, which are linked to a wide range of text types, there is a daily chapter with comprehension questions through Serial Mash, story time with the teacher through Teams and a focus on reading for pleasure with MyOn and Accelerated Reader.

The Year 5 staff are passionate about open communication with children and families. We want children to be confident in their learning and to reduce the stresses of home learning for parents. We are available for parents through Dojo and telephone, and for children through twice daily Teams meeting, Dojo portfolios and Purple Mash email.

Weekly Newsletters

Please click on the links below to access the 'Weekly Round Up' from the Year 5 Team.

You will find book recommendations, website links to support the curriculum and a section to giving parents an insight into the learning content for the previous week.  


National Lockdown- Home Learning

Please see the links below to access all of the weekly planning documents that were shared during school lockdown periods. There are some helpful resources and links within the documents as well as top tips and guidance from teachers.


Files to Download

Alvaston Junior Academy

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby DE24 0PU

Mrs Clair Goodwin: Office Manager

01332 571321

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)