Year 6

Our year 6 curriculum is tailored to meet the needs of both 'in school' and 'remote learners'. To ensure each child is getting the correct level of challenge, we provide differentiated tasks which are currently designated as Support (for lower attainers) and GD Challenge (for higher attainers).

In addition to this, we ensure we deliver a bespoke input surrounding the core subjects. For maths, the teacher uploads a video. By doing so, we can use our prior knowledge of misconceptions and adapt a series of lessons to better meet the curriculum objective for our cohort. We often adapt the same style for our English and ensure good quality WAGOLLs are used and provide specific Success Criteria and supportive resources. We prefer using internal videos to support the children's learning instead of external and 'generic' teaching videos as this gives us flexibility and allows us to refine our teaching to meet the needs of our children.

We have now introduced a 'retrieval' activity which will take place on Friday afternoons for English, reading and maths. This will be used to strengthen the neural pathways children require when retrieving key information from previous topics taught. To do this, we will draw on several 'short and sharp' quiz style formats: Kahoot, Microsoft Forms and Purple Mash to name some.

For our remote learning, we also set an arithmetic task daily to 'keep the plates spinning' on key calculation-based skills. Children can set their own level of challenge, which is handed in along with their other tasks. At school we deliver a fast fractions session after dinner and 10 minutes of arithmetic practise before the main teach. Both remote and school learners complete a Testbase arithmetic test which is tracked and taught weekly.

We ensure all work is observed and provide key positive and constructive feedback via our Class Dojo and Purple Mash platforms. We also offer time during our Live Team links (twice daily) for children to ask any questions or raise any concerns. All children and parents have access to all Year 6 staff through Class Dojo and regular communication and feedback is encouraged daily.

Weekly Newsletters

You will find book recommendations, website links to support the curriculum and a 'Coming up...' section to give parents an insight into the learning content for the next week.  Click on the 'Week Ending' documents below.

Files to Download

Alvaston Junior Academy

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby DE24 0PU

Mrs Clair Goodwin: Office Manager

01332 571321

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Anthony Hughes

Chair of Governing Body: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)