Year 3

Our year 3 curriculum is designed so that children at home and children at school are receiving the same learning opportunities, ensuring equality of provision. Our paper packs also provide the same learning opportunities. Bespoke work is provided for all children. Where necessary, we provide phonics activities and guidance for those children who are working through their Letters & Sounds. Our staff also provide differentiated work for children with additional needs and bespoke paper packs are also provided for children unable to access the internet as necessary.

Every morning we hold an online registration, which we allows us to provide some teaching input around the learning for that day. To support the learning further, we use a combination of commercially produced videos, such as Oak Academy, and videos made by the class teachers for the core subjects, and other subject areas as appropriate. We also provide guidance documents if required.

To promote our focus on reading we have a Teams meeting daily for the class teacher to read to the children, we set a daily speed read in addition to the shared reading task, and encourage the children to use MyON as well as reading their own books daily. The children are also expected to practise times tables using TTrockstars, and practise spellings using Edshed on a daily basis. We also set daily differentiated arithmetic practice for all children to keep these skills sharp.

Parents and children can contact us for support through Class Dojo, and parents can call us at school. We acknowledge that this is a difficult time for the children and adults, and will do everything we can to make learning accessible, achievable and enjoyable for all.


Useful websites to support the Year 3 Curriculum [Spring term 2021]


Art Activities, Art Projects & Art Games

Online Art Activities for Kids. A. Pintura: Art Detective.Learn art history while playing detective. A Place of Our Own - A collection of creative activities for preschool children.. - A collection of online art games.. Alright-Knox Art Games - [Archive] An interactive website for kids ages 4 - 12.. Andy Warhol's Marilyn Prints - Change the colors of Warhol's famous painting and then ...



Weekly Newsletters

Please click on the link to access the weekly round up from the Year 3 Team.

You will find book recommendations, website links to support the curriculum and a 'Coming up...' section to give parents an insight into the learning content for the next week. 

Files to Download

Alvaston Junior Academy

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby DE24 0PU

Mrs Clair Goodwin: Office Manager

01332 571321

Harmony Trust

Alderson Street, Oldham, Lancashire, OL9 6AQ

CEO: Antony Hughes

Chair of Trustees: Andrew McCully

0161 260 0482 (ext 15)